How To Exclude Specific Countries In Google Analytics To Block Spam

How to remove or exclude a specific country from the data in Google Analytics.

In order to get an accurate picture of how an SEO campaign is working, it is important to measure the amount of traffic coming into your web properties in an accurate manner as well. If you are a business serving a local community, then chances are web traffic coming into your website from a different country will not something that is important for you to watch over.

In fact, spam traffic from a foreign country can skew your analytics results if you do not know that it is there. It is important for you to remove this data. You can follow the steps below, or watch the video if to help you visually.

Steps To Exclude a Country from Google Analytics Reports

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Create View
  2. In Admin Settings > View Settings > Filters
  3. Select Custom under Filter Type
  4. Select Exclude
  5. Select Country in the dropdown menu Filter Field
  6. Finally, enter the country to remove in the Filter Pattern field

These steps will allow you to: – Filter out or exclude specific countries from your Google Analytics account data. – Include only data from a specific country in your Google Analytics data – Create a reporting Segment to filter out specific countries – Create a reporting Segment to show only one Country in the Google Analytics Reporting data

*Note – creating Filters only works for future data. To see past recorded data (without the bad data) you need to create Segments in the Reporting Tab – You will need to choose and apply a Segment  from the Segment list area in the Reporting Tab to see it

Yan Gilbert